An organization’s communications plan is a roadmap that leads to success or failure. The messaging your organization sends to internal & external stakeholders, press and the public can make or break the brand. Further, the means by which your organization communicates internally can improve employee productivity & job satisfaction, improve management effectiveness and increase overall revenue/growth, or it can do the opposite. Having the proper tools & training are fundamental components of a successful communication plan. Here are a few ways Square Root Group, LLC can chart the best course for your roadmap to victory.
Internal Communication - How well does your organization communicate internally? Does communication occur in a vacuum or is the information reaching all of those with a need to know? Does HR have its finger on the pulse of employee satisfaction and turnover? Are your projects being completed on time and within budget? Whether remote or on location, it is critical for managers to connect with their staff in a meaningful way. Instruction must be accurately conveyed and thoroughly received with the roles & responsibilities of each team member clearly defined. Further, managers must ensure that team members are being heard and have the opportunity to grow professionally.
External Communication - How does your brand and its leadership communicate with the world? Is your messaging consistent & on-brand? Is your brand evolving with time, or slipping onto the sidelines of irrelevance? Are you predicting & mitigating crises? Are you seeing the desired ROI on advertising? Is your social media presence impacting your business positively? Are you receiving the press coverage you need? Does your leadership present a strong image in the media? The answer to these questions could be the difference between success & failure. It’s okay if you don’t know how to build a successful external communication plan because we do! Reaching & exceeding your business goals is our mission.
Square Root Group, LLC will conduct a detailed review of your organization’s existing communications infrastructure, systems & performance as well as your business’ needs, growth projection & goals. Using this information we will craft a customized and holistic communications plan that accommodates all of your needs, supports your leadership, management & staff and accomplishes your goals.
Email us to begin the process of improving your business.